Firm Sponsors Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheon
Murphy Desmond S.C. was pleased to once again sponsor the 2022 Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheon on May 10 in Madison and May 12 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The annual event, hosted by the Wisconsin Historical Society, met in person for the first time since 2019. Society members from across the state, including Robert B.L. Legacy Circle members, are invited to the annual luncheon. The program regularly features fascinating and educational presentations by experts involved with Wisconsin history and preservation.
Murphy Desmond president Ginger Zimmerman spoke briefly about working with Mr. Murphy early in her career, in the early 1990s. She explained how lessons she learned from him then still impact the firm today.
In addition to being the founder of Murphy Desmond S.C., Mr. Murphy was involved with the Wisconsin Historical Society until he passed in 2001. He helped establish the Wisconsin Historical Foundation and served on boards for both the Society and the Foundation between 1948 and 1990.
The Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle is a unique group of individuals who have included the Wisconsin Historical Society in their estate plans.
Murphy Desmond attendees (clockwise from bottom left) at the Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheon: Matt Frank, Julie Brock, Matt Fleming, Kathy Brickl, Larry Bechler, Ginger Zimmerman, Bob Ohly, Julia Walsh, and Harvey Wendel.
Ginger Zimmerman speaks at the Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheon about her experiences working with Mr. Murphy and the constant integrity and character that came through in his leadership.
The Wisconsin Historical Society's annual luncheon at Nakoma Golf Club in Madison, WI.
Published May 17, 2022