Jake C. Joling

  • (608) 268-5563(608) 268-5563
  • (608) 257-2508(608) 257-2508
Jake C. Joling

Attorney Jake Joling represents clients in estate planning, probate, and trust administration.

Jake understands that in estate planning, each situation is unique. He works closely with families and individuals on estate plans for clients of all ages—parents of minor children, couples in second or subsequent marriages, as well as individuals and couples with no direct heirs.

Jake handles preparation of wills, revocable and irrevocable trusts, financial powers of attorney, healthcare powers of attorney, charitable gifting, adult guardianships, and special needs trusts. He is listed as a recommended service provider for the nonprofit Morgan's Caring Connections to assist with estate plans, trusts, and guardianships for families who have members with disabilities and long-term care needs.

In addition, Jake drafts and reviews prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, which is especially important in marriages where there are children from prior relationships.

In probate, Jake assists families and individuals with the transfer of property, fiduciary disputes, and a wide array of probate issues. He guides clients through Wisconsin Formal and Informal Probate Administration, Special Administration, Trust Administration, and Probate and Special Administration Hearings.

During law school, Jake served as the Senior Program Editor of the Wisconsin International Law Journal, Co-President of Business and Tax Law Society, and Co-President of the Law Student Wellness Coalition.

Jake is available to meet with clients in the firm’s Madison, Janesville, and Dodgeville offices, or online.

  • Wisconsin, 2022
  • University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, Wisconsin, 2022, J.D.
    Honors: Bruce Beilfuss Award for Outstanding Service to the Law School
  • University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin, 2019, B.S. Finance
    Honors: Graduated with Honors Distinction
Associations and Memberships
  • Morgan's Caring Connections, Recommended Service Provider (2024)
  • Business Network International (BNI), Member (2022 - Present)
  • Wisconsin State Bar Association, Member (2022-Present)
Classes/Seminars Taught
  • Presenter, "Wisconsin Probate and Trust Administration" Seminar, Session entitled "Accounting/Distributions in Trust Administration", NBI, Madison, WI (March 2024)
  • Presenter, "Preparing Your Estate Plan", Oakwood Village Senior Living, Madison, WI (September 2023)
  • Presenter, "The Estate Planning Process", BNI Business Builders, Madison, WI (September 2022)
  • Presenter, "The Probate Process", BNI Business Builders, Madison, WI (January 2023)
  • Presenter, "Fun With Trusts", BNI Business Builders, Madison, WI (May 2023)
  • Presenter, "Basics of Estate Planning", BNI Business Builders, Madison, WI (August 2023)

Jake is a fan of the great outdoors where he likes to fish, play golf, and attend live concerts.