Article Discusses When Unmarried Couples Buy a Home Together A Property Co-Ownership Agreement is recommended for unmarried couples who…
Attorney Burgess Named Shareholder The firm is pleased to announce that Attorney Gretchen Burgess has…
Remote Notarization Adds Convenience in Wisconsin Estate Planning Wisconsin Act 130 became effective in 2024, allowing for remote witnessing and notarization of…
Co-Ownership of Property for Unmarried Couples in Wisconsin; How to Avoid Legal Disputes Co-ownership of property, particularly a home, is more common than ever due to…
Wisconsin Act 130: Remote Witnessing and Notarization Offers Convenience in Wisconsin Estate Planning In response to both the COVID-19 pandemic and an effort to modernize the process of signing legal documents…
Corporate Transparency Act Means New Reporting Requirements for Certain Businesses The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is a Federal Law intended to…
Attorney Gretchen Burgess Presents to Students at Career Day Event Attorney Gretchen Burgess participated in the Elkhorn Area School District Career Day…
Murphy Desmond Hosts Attorney Wellness Seminar The firm hosted a lunchtime seminar on September 19, 2024, for attorneys…
Murphy Desmond Sponsors Annual Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheons Honoring Firm Founder The Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) held the Annual Robert B.L. Murphy…
Attorneys Zimmerman and Reed Named on 2024 Wisconsin Super Lawyers and Rising Stars Lists The firm is pleased to announce that Ginger Zimmerman and Jason Reed are…
Reminder to Businesses About CTA Requirements and Deadlines The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) requires most domestic and foreign entities…
Murphy Desmond Included on 2025 "Best Law Firms" Rankings The firm is pleased to announce that we are listed in 15 practice areas on the newly released…
Immigration Process Changes Likely Ahead Later this Summer for Certain Married Couples and Dreamers On June 18, 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a new…
Residential Property Assessment Increases: What You Should Know Beginning in the spring of every year, many residential property owners in Wisconsin are…
Financial Considerations in Wisconsin Divorces Divorce in Wisconsin reveals a wide range of financial situations to consider…
Firm Receives Community Award Murphy Desmond S.C. is grateful to receive the "2023 Affinity for Community…
Attorney Ginger Zimmerman Attends Wisconsin Technology Golf Outing Attorney Ginger Zimmerman attended the "Play at the New Lake" golf…
Murphy Desmond Participates in Farmers Appreciation Day Parade On Sunday, July 9, 2023, the firm joined in on the 37th Annual Farmers…
Attorney Gretchen Burgess Hosts Estate Planning Seminar If you have questions about estate planning, please join Attorney Gretchen Burgess and…
Attorney Ginger Zimmerman Recognized as "Women Who Lead" by Wisconsin Legal Publication The firm is pleased to announce that President & Managing Shareholder…
Firm Sponsors SCORE Wisconsin Conference Murphy Desmond sponsored the "Accelerate Your Business for Women 24" SCORE conference in Wisconsin Dells.…
Understanding Legal Issues Surrounding CBD and Industrial Hemp in Wisconsin The recent legalization of industrial hemp containing less than 0.3%…
Understanding the Basics of an OWI/DUI in Wisconsin Drunk driving laws in Wisconsin do not just include alcohol. This article relays basic information about OWI/DUI offenses in Wisconsin, how the…
Legal Considerations in Getting Ready for Wisconsin's 2023 New LLC Law Wisconsin's new Limited Liability Company (LLC) law, which completely…
Firm Sponsors "Murphy Desmond Cup" Golf Tournament On Saturday, June 3, 2023, the "Murphy Desmond Cup" golf tournament began…
Mendoza Emcees Hispanic Heritage Luncheon Event Murphy Desmond attorney Mario Mendoza served as the emcee of the 12th Annual…
Firm Sponsors Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheon Murphy Desmond S.C. was pleased to once again sponsor the 2022…
Attorney Ginger Zimmerman Included on Lawdragon List of "500 Leading Lawyers" The firm congratulates Attorney Ginger Zimmerman for inclusion on the Lawdragon…
Murphy Desmond Sponsors 2024 Badger Startup Summit On August 19, 2024, the firm sponsored the Badger Startup Summit…
Attorney Matt Fleming Named 2025 "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers® in America Murphy Desmond S.C. congratulates Attorney Matt Fleming on his 2025…
Form I-9 Flexibilities Extended On October 11, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced…
Employment Law: Review Your Anti-Harassment Policies Before a Court Reviews It For You A Milwaukee-area employer learned the hard way that its policy prohibiting sexual harassment was…
COVID Vaccine Required for I-693 Immigration Medical Exams Effective October 1, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will require…
Murphy Desmond Sponsors United Way Women United Philanthropy Brunch On September 10, 2021, the firm co-sponsored United Way of Dane County's Women…
Firm Sponsors NAMIWalks Dane County for 14th Consecutive Year Murphy Desmond is pleased to sponsor the 2020 NAMIWalks "Your Way" Dane County…
Murphy Desmond Participates in United Way of Dane County Virtual Event Murphy Desmond was honored to participate in United Way of Dane County's "Working for All" webinar…
Murphy Desmond Attorneys Named on Lists for 2025 Best Lawyers® in America Murphy Desmond is pleased to announce that The Best Lawyers in America…
Attorneys Rideout and Burgess Attend WWBIC Event Attorneys Lane Rideout and Gretchen Burgess joined community members at the…
Firm Celebrates Kathy Brickl's 40th Work Anniversary Murphy Desmond honored Office Services and Facilities Director Kathy Brickl…
The Basics of Estate Planning in Wisconsin The thought of estate planning can be overwhelming for couples and individuals…
Understanding Immigration Law and Lawful Immigration Status in the United States Immigration law is the legal process of allowing individuals, who are not citizens, to come to the United States…
Estate Planning for Parents with Minor Children in Wisconsin A common misconception about estate planning is that it is primarily for…
Murphy Desmond Sponsors 2019 Madison Marathon – Still Time to Sign Up! Murphy Desmond is pleased to sponsor the Madison Marathon/Half Marathon on Sunday, November 10, 2019, in Madison…
Sign up for 2019 Dane County NAMIWalk Murphy Desmond is pleased to once again sponsor the Dane County NAMIWalk, benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)…
Firm Sponsors 2019 Clean Lakes Alliance Golf Outing Murphy Desmond sponsored the 2019 Fore! Lakes Golf Outing, held on September 20, at Nakoma Golf Club in Madison, Wisconsin…
Attorneys Jebbia and Brock Present at State Bar Family Law Workshop Attorneys Gayle Jebbia and Julie Brock presented on the topic "When There…
New Immigration Processes Announced for Certain Married Undocumented Individuals See here for information on the latest Biden-Harris immigration program…
Attorney Alex J. Becker Joins Murphy Desmond The firm welcomes Attorney Alex J. Becker to our Creditors' Rights, Collections…
Paycheck Protection Program Loans and the December 2020 Stimulus; Should Your Business Apply? The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was created back in March 2020 through the CARES Act to provide forgivable loans to…
Court Orders Full Reinstatement of DACA Program On December 4, 2020, a District Court ordered the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to fully reinstate the…
Healthcare Directives in the Age of COVID-19; How Can You Ensure Your Wishes Are Met Under Wisconsin Law? In Wisconsin, many people include end-of-life directives within the terms of their healthcare power of attorney document…
Firm Supports River Alliance of Wisconsin For the second consecutive year, Murphy Desmond sponsored the "River Bash" event to benefit the River Alliance of Wisconsin…
Mendoza Attends Firm-Sponsored Voices for Recovery Luncheon On September 16, 2019, Murphy Desmond sponsored the 2019 Voices for Recovery Luncheon…
Attorney Roy Fine Organizes and Attends Road and Track Event The 2019 Fox Valley Road & Classic event was held on Saturday, September 14, 2019, to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Wisconsin Chapter…
New Article on Residential Property Assessments See our article on residential property assessments to help determine if…
Attorney Larry Bechler Retires The firm celebrated the long and successful career of Attorney Larry Bechler…
Update on U.S. Passport Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Effective September 28, 2020, the United States Department of State's (DOS) Passport Agency has resumed routine passport services…
Preparing for Divorce in Wisconsin The thought of getting a divorce can seem overwhelming. There is a lot to consider: the logistics of co-parenting minor children…
Supreme Court of the United States Determines that Employers Cannot Discriminate Against LGBT Employees; Does this Ruling Affect Your Wisconsin Business? In a 6-to-3 ruling on Monday June 15, 2020, the United States Supreme Court determined that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964…
Murphy Desmond Sponsors Safe Harbor Labor Day Dash The firm was pleased to sponsor Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center's 2019 Labor Day Dash, held on Monday, September 2nd at Vilas Park in Madison…
Murphy Desmond to Sponsor "Pollinator Walk" Field Trip On Friday, September 6, 2019, Groundswell Conservancy, Inc. will host a "Pollinator Walk" field trip, open to the public…
Firm Participates in 2019 Middleton Good Neighbor Fest Run/Walk Murphy Desmond was pleased to once again sponsor the Middleton Good Neighbor Festival 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, August 24, 2019, at Fireman's Park in…