Murphy Desmond Sponsors Annual Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheons Honoring Firm Founder

The Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) held the Annual Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Annual Luncheons at Nakoma Golf Club in Madison on May 14, 2024, and the Wisconsin Club - Country Club in Milwaukee on May 16, 2024.

The invitation-only event included WHS members, as well as Murphy Legacy Circle members who have included the WHS in their estate plans through planned giving. Our founder, Mr. Murphy, was actively involved with the mission of WHS for over 40 years, and the Murphy Legacy Circle was created in his honor. 

Firm Shareholder and Vice President Matt Fleming briefly spoke at the Madison luncheon about his experience working with Mr. Murphy shortly before he passed in 2001. Matt described Mr. Murphy's leadership style, including the importance of treating others with respect. Matt also discussed Mr. Murphy's fascinating contributions and perspectives to UW-Madison’s oral history program in the late 1990s. Mr. Murphy grew up in a house across from the Red Gym and his father knew many of the University’s early leaders.

The educational program during the luncheon featured WHS Lead Curator & Curator of Cultural History Joe Kapler. Joe presented on various collecting initiatives and goals with the planned History Center.

Firm attendees at the Madison Robert B.L. Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheon 2024 (clockwise from bottom left): Matt Fleming, Maryam Ghayyad, Glorily LopezLane Rideout, Kathy Brickl, Harvey Wendel, Gretchen Burgess, Teresa Venker, Larry Bechler

2024 Murphy Legacy Circle Luncheon at Nakoma Golf Club. 

Firm Attendees at the Milwaukee Luncheon: Gretchen Burgess, Chris Burgess.

The Milwaukee Luncheon at the Wisconsin Club – Country Club.

Published May 16, 2024